Welcome to KBF

KAMSAR-0-BAR FORUM is a nationwide, non-profit organization, based in Dildar Nagar, Distt. Ghazipur, formed on 4th May 2010 by a group of elite, like-minded and socially conscious professionals and academicians from all parts of the world.

Our mission is to promote and catalyses mainstream global education among underprivileged but brilliant students in a sustained manner, in order to facilitate them to emerge as conscientious and responsible citizens, dynamically involved in the process of nation development.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Kamsar-O-Bar Google Group

Kamsar-O-Bar is an ensemble of Kamsaris from diverse fields of expertise. Currently, the main avenue for members to interact and communicate with each other is by participating in the various activities conducted by Kamsar-O-bar Forum via a community dedicated to Kamsar-O-Bar Forum on the Google Group website, http://groups.google.com/group/kamsarobar?hl=en_US. We are also in the process of expanding our horizon to interaction through online networking that will enable our members to login, search for other members and communicate online.

Facilitating the dispersion of professional knowledge is the quintessence of Kamsar-O-Bar's activities. We have a strong conviction that in addition to physical gatherings, online interaction among members across India and abroad will tremendously enhance the benefits of membership.

You can Join our Google Group by visiting the following link:


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