KBF has prepared annual plan for this year 2015 and working committee has already started working on the plan. We appeal new volunteers to nominate for at least one project/activity where you think you can best contribute. We don't want to burden anyone of you and that is the reason we shall be following one volunteer-one task policy for this year.You need to devote not more than 1-2 hours every week. This will ensure that all of us are engaged in one or another activity as well as will connect us strongly. We have created a form where you can choose a project of your interest and submit it. KBF team will contact you accordingly.We shall form a team of 4-5 members for each categories.
Link to submit your nomination.
What is Annual Plan
The Annual Plan of KBF ensures that we are meeting certain set targets, in a consistent manner, cooperatively. The Plan outlines and demarcates specific targets for the year with the timeline fixed for each task, to help us stay consistent in our approach and performance and to ensure that everyone involved in KBF is on the same page in terms of efficiency and excellence.
The objective of the Annual Plan of KBF will be to guide our efforts at all levels, track individual and Teams performance on an annual basis and to help us plan out the future course of action in an efficient manner accordingly.
With an integrated approach and better coordination among all teams, it is aimed at strengthening the organizational efforts by ensuring better performance and accountability within the system at all tiers and ensuring better service delivery to the community responsibly. This is also expected to promote a consistent and standardized approach for organizational growth and development.
Targets for Year 2015
Targets cover monthly/yearly activities which need to be monitored and executed.
1. KBF Career & Guidance Cell: We will launch coaching for 9th class students (instead of 10th class
this year) to train them for central universities like AMU, BHU and JMI entrance exams for admission in 10+2. Same students will be trained when they are promoted to 10th class next year so that we will have two years to train them for universities entrance exams plus UP Polytechnic. Session for 2015 shall start from July 2015.
Team Activities: Task under this project may involve like arranging faculty members, designing course materials, preparing agenda for each classes, coordinating with KBF office to track the progress of CGC etc. It is mandatory for members to be present in India who wants to be part of this team.
2. KBF Scholarship Scheme: A fund of Rs. 2, 00,000 is allocated for first year for this project. The collected money will be purely utilized to fund education for students who are financially deprived and not able to continue their studies due to financial crisis.
Team Activities: You can help us in identifying deserving students from different villages of our area. Coordinate with different schools and students to track the progress of students who are availing this scholarship. Provide career guidance to these students as and when required etc.
3. Scholarship Facilitation Center: Developing a well-equipped center at Dildar Nagar which can facilitate the scholarship related activities. Center will be managed by office admin whose duty would be keeping all information related to National/State scholarships or any affirmative plan of Govt. for minorities. He will be circulating information to different schools in our area time to time. He shall be passing information to teachers committee in each village
Team Activities: Compiling the list of most up to date scholarships available all over India for minorities. Creating a database of schools in our area. Coordinating with different schools and teachers to create awareness for available scholarships etc.
4. 12 SDL Programs: Arrange minimum 12 Skill Development Lectures in different villages of Kamsar. Minimum one SDL every month. Professionals from different villages will take the lectures when they visit their respective village time to time. Content will be provided by KBF Team. Generic 10 different topics can be made ready which can be presented in any schools.
Team Activities: Preparing materials on general topics which can be used to present in different schools, arranging schools to conduct SDL, coordinating with professionals living in different cities who are going to take SDL etc.
5. Team of Teachers in each Village: A minimum 3 member’s team in each village of Kamsar. This will help us to communicate anything important related to students. Office Admin to communicate information to these teachers time to time. Database of teachers to be prepared by Office Admin.
Team Activities: Identifying teachers who can be the part of this committee from different villages. Coordinating with them on regular basis to create awareness about KBF activities as well as passing any information which is for the benefit of students and teachers.
6. Tie-up with Schools: We should tie-up with different schools in Kamsar so that any information (scholarship, Govt. programs etc.) could be circulated and communicated. List to be prepared by Office Admin. Contact details of Principal and Manger will be part of school’s database.
Team Activities: Meeting principals and managers of different schools in our area and initiating tie-up with KBF to arrange SDL, educational programs in their schools. Creating database of schools in our area etc.
7. Website Management: Complete renovation of website is needed. Website must be made the strongest medium to represent KBF. Effective management of the website is highly required. Website need to be up to date. Majors should be taken to improve traffic and divert more traffic from our existing groups like FB and Google.
Team Activities: Prior experience of website management is required. You can help in updating content on website as and when required. Monitor traffic on website and engage members in constructive discussion. Writing content for the website.
8. eNewsletter for KBF: Quarterly eNewsletter to be released by KBF. This will give more insights to members all across the world and motivate them to involve in KBF activities.
It is going to be 4 pages NL which will cover all activities done by KBF in a quarter. The language of this newsletter will be Hindi as this will go to each villages.
Team Activities: Content writing for newsletter. Articles on education, career etc. Members should be very good at Hindi or Urdu.
9. Email Database: Email Database of at least 5, 000 Muslims of our area must be prepared by KBF Team. All these emails will be added to our public group.
This will help us to
expand our network and strengthen our network.
Team Activities: Compiling a list of email Ids of people from our area in your city. You will be responsible to make a database of people in your city who will be added to your public group.
10. Membership Drive: Year 2015 target is to introduce at least 20 associate members across the country and outside the country. Membership is open till 31st March 2015.
Team Activities: Identifying potential members for KBF who can become member of general body and pay the annual membership fee of Rs. 5000. Coordinating with them to get the form filled. Explaing them about KBF vision and mission and convincing them to join KBF.
11. KBF Funding:
Funding is core and backbone to run any project on the ground. The more funds we have, more work can be delivered on the ground. It is very important for KBF to be financially sound and independent.
Team Activities: Preparing the list of donors who take interest in social work. Convincing them to fund for KBF projects. Making presentation to potential donors. People with prior experience in fund raising will be preferred.
12. KBF Volunteers: 50 volunteers to be identified and given tasks on day to day basis. 30 volunteers are already identified by KBF. Most of these volunteers will be taking SDLs when they visit Kamsar.
Anybody can join KBF as a volunteer and work for society.
Team Activities: Preparing a list of professionals who can volunteer different tasks. Volunteers need not the be a member of KBF. Coordinating with volunteers to accomplish different tasks. Tracking the progress on different tasks by different volunteers.
Kindly give your nomination. Last date to submit nomination is 13th February 2015 at 5 pm IST. Please select most appropriate project for yourself where you think that you can do best.
Together we can achieve anything, in sha allah. Lets work as a team. If you need more clarification on any projects above then please do not hesitate to revert.